Durocher Florist

Durocher Florist

Posted by durocherflorist on July 23, 2020 | Last Updated: July 28, 2020 Uncategorized

How to Tell If Your Houseplants Are Getting Sufficient Amounts of Sun

If there’s no evidence of significant growth on any of your houseplants in the last few months, then it’s likely not receiving enough light. Just like us, plants need food, air, and water to survive and their food comes to them in the form of light. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants soak up the light of the sun and convert it to sugar which feeds the plants so it can grow and flourish. A lack of growth and other indicators within the plant tell you if it needs more light – as long as you know what to look for. Springfield’s best flower shop, Durocher Florist, wants to help you feed your plants an adequate amount of light so it can thrive. Continue reading to discover the tips and tricks for getting plenty of food to your wonderful plant.

Hints Plants Give You About Their Light Source



Leggy is a term used to describe plants whose stems have gotten so tall, skinny, and scarce that they look more like legs then lush, thriving plants. The space between leaves on the stem is called the internode, and when a plant has large internodes then it’s clearly not getting enough light.

Leggy Plant


Smaller Leaves

If you notice the new growth of your plant has smaller than usual leaves, then your plant isn’t getting sufficient energy to grow them the size they’re supposed to be. Compare new growth to older leaves to see if there’s a size difference.



Plants will do what they need to get enough light which could result in leaning, where one side of the plant is significantly angled in its quest for more light. When you see this, move your plant to a spot with more sunlight and give the plant a quarter of a turn at least once a week so all the leaves get equal amounts of light.

Leaning Plant


Abnormal Leaf Color

Chlorophyll is what gives plants their green color and allows the process of photosynthesis to occur. When a plant is not getting enough sunlight, chlorophyll cannot do its job properly resulting in pale green or yellow leaves that will eventually drop off. Also, with variegated plants, the leaves will turn green in an effort to absorb more light instead of being more colorful as they should be.


Slowed Growth or No New Growth

It’s natural for plants to have reduced growth during the winter months, but if your plant has no signs of growth or very little growth during the spring and summer months, then it’s a sign of insufficient lighting. Light provides energy to plants to grow lush and beautiful.


Getting the Light Right


Healthy Plants

Context is everything and there may be other issues causing some of the above signs, so a little trial and error is expected. If you suspect your plant is not getting enough light, move it closer to the window or to a sunnier room. Be careful not to put it in direct sunlight, though, as only a few species of sun-loving plants can take that much heat, such as cacti, succulents, and palms.

If you are unable to get your plant to a spot with adequate lighting, then pick up a grow light which will give your plant plenty of light regardless of its location.