Be The Light Bouquet
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Encircling a beautiful crystal cross keepsake, this sunny bouquet of roses, carnations, and mums conveys joy and hope.
This hopeful arrangement includes yellow spray roses, light yellow carnations, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, yellow solidago, parvifolia eucalyptus, pitta negra, dusty miller and lemon leaf. Approximately 18 1/2" W x 12 1/2" H
The Be the Light Bouquet from Durocher Florist in Springfield, MA, is a radiant expression of hope and joy, beautifully encapsulating the essence of spiritual comfort and positive affirmation. At the heart of this arrangement is a stunning crystal cross keepsake, symbolizing faith and eternal light, surrounded by a cheerful array of sunny blooms that spread warmth and optimism. This hopeful arrangement features a delightful mix of yellow spray roses, light yellow carnations, and white cushion spray chrysanthemums, each bloom contributing to the overall brightness of the bouquet. The roses and carnations radiate joy with their soft, layered petals, while the chrysanthemums add a pristine white elegance.
Accentuated with yellow solidago, which injects a burst of golden color, the bouquet also includes parvifolia eucalyptus, pitta negra, dusty miller, and lemon leaf, creating a lush green backdrop that highlights the flowers' vivid hues. Measuring approximately 18 1/2" W x 12 1/2" H, the Be the Light Bouquet beautifies the space it occupies and serves as a meaningful gift, offering a message of hope and renewal to anyone fortunate enough to receive it.