Favorites in Roses
Long Stemmed Red Roses
Elegant White Roses
Eternal Love
Dozen Yellow Roses
Love That Pink Bouquet
Your Light Shines Bouquet
Dreaming of Roses
Dreaming of Roses
Be My Love Bouquet
100 Reasons I Love You!
Wrapped Roses- One Dozen
6 Red Roses Vased
Love's Divine Roses
Thoughts of You Bud Vase
Long Stemmed Pink Roses
Sunny Day Pitcher of Roses
Sunrise Splendor
Lavender Roses w/Premium Greens
Spectacular Roses
Send roses with same-day delivery to Springfield MA and cities nationwide from Durocher Florist! Roses are the most popular flowers in the world. They stand alone as a romantic bouquet or can be combined with other flowers to add beauty and elegance to any arrangement. Roses are a classic favorite and come in a wide spectrum of colors and sizes and are known for their beauty and longevity. Our signature roses typically last 4-7 days and are available in all shades of reds, pinks, purples, oranges, corals, peaches, yellow, and white.