Perfectly patriotic with its red, white, and blue blooms, this bold bouquet of hydrangea, lilies, and roses is a versatile tribute on any occasion.
This bouquet features blue hydrangea, red roses, white asiatic lilies, red alstroemeria, white carnations, blue delphinium, white snapdragons, huckleberry, dusty miller, aralia leaf, and lemon leaf.
Delivered in a gathering vase. Approximately 22" W x 26" H
The Colorful Tribute Bouquet from Durocher Florist in Springfield, MA, is a striking display of patriotism and honor. With its symphony of red, white, and blue blooms, this bold bouquet is a versatile choice, suitable for various occasions where honor and tribute are due. The bouquet is an intricate composition featuring the lush volume of blue hydrangea, embodying heartfelt emotions, the deep passion of red roses, and the purity and majesty of white Asiatic lilies. Red alstroemeria interweaves with these primary blooms, adding a splash of vibrant color and symbolizing friendship and devotion. Accents of white carnations bring love and distinction, while the blue delphinium stands tall and resolute, a symbol of new opportunities and the pursuit of dreams. Graceful white snapdragons inject a touch of poise and charm, complemented by the varied textures of huckleberry, dusty miller, aralia leaf, and lemon leaf, which provide a rich, verdant backdrop.
Presented in a classic gathering vase, the bouquet stands approximately 22 inches wide by 26 inches high, forming a floral arrangement and a beacon of remembrance, respect, and profound beauty. It is a bouquet that speaks volumes, honoring memories, celebrating achievements, and expressing life's colorful journey narrative.