Soft and Tender Bouquet

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Share your heartfelt feelings about losing someone special with this feminine arrangement of soft pink roses and lilies.
Pink roses, pink asiatic lilies, and pink alstroemeria are accented with dusty miller and huckleberry.

Delivered in a Blooming Tulip vase. Approximately 17" W x 19" H

The Soft & Tender Bouquet from Durocher Florist is a gentle whisper of compassion, a tender touch to the heart during times of loss. It is an arrangement that speaks softly yet profoundly, with the delicate grace of its pink hues—a floral composition that offers solace and sympathy through its beauty. Featuring a pastel palette of soft pink roses that symbolize grace and admiration, paired with the elegant blooms of pink Asiatic lilies conveying love and the soul's eternal nature, this bouquet is a comforting embrace in floral form. The pink alstroemeria adds a whisper of devotion and friendship, while the dusty miller brings its soft, silver foliage to round out the arrangement, symbolizing serenity and a peaceful farewell.

Presented in the graceful Blooming Tulip vase, the Soft and tender Bouquet stands approximately 17 inches wide and 19 inches tall. It's not just a bouquet but a thoughtful expression of shared grief and a reminder of the soft and tender memories that will forever bloom in the hearts of those who grieve.