Thrilled For You Bouquet
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Lavender roses, hot pink spray roses, purple stock, and lavender carnations are arranged with spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaves. The arrangement is delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube.
Approximately 12" W x 14 1/4" H
The Thrilled for You Bouquet from Durocher Florist in Springfield, MA, is an exuberant celebration in floral form. Bursting with vivacious hues and brimming with joy, this arrangement is a vivid expression of excitement and happiness for whatever milestone or achievement you're celebrating. Lavender roses exude a sense of enchantment, their elegant buds unfurling amidst the lively dance of hot pink spray roses, which bring a pop of vibrant cheer. The deep purples of the stock add a layer of royal sophistication to the mix, while lavender carnations infuse the bouquet with charming grace and a vintage feel.
This lively ensemble is accented with the fresh green of spiral eucalyptus and the crisp, bright lemon leaf, which not only contribute to the fullness of the arrangement but also add a refreshing contrast to the warm colors. The entire bouquet is artfully delivered in a Celebrate in Style cube, whose geometric patterns and bold color amplify the festive message of the arrangement.
With an approximate size of 12 inches wide by 14.25 inches high, the Thrilled for You Bouquet is a delightful burst of floral excitement that's just as special and unique as the person and the occasion it celebrates.